The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Cloud Security and Forensics (WCSF 2018)

The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Cloud Security and Forensics is a co-located event as part of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications (TrustCom-18) held on 1st - 3rd August 2018 in New York, USA.
Cloud computing offers utility oriented Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services to corporate and consumer-level users all over the world. The evolution of cloud computing is driving the design of datacenters by architecting them as networks of virtual services; this enables users to access and run applications from anywhere in the world. As the prevalence and usage of networked cloud computer systems increases, the security of these systems can pose significant security concerns and the likelihood of these systems being used for criminal behavior also increases. Thus, this new computing evolution has a direct effect on, and creates challenges for, cyber security and digital forensic practitioners.
The field of digital forensics has grown rapidly over the last decade due to the rise of the Internet and associated crimes. However, while the theory is well established, the practical application of the discipline is still relatively new and constantly developing. Law enforcement agencies can no longer rely on traditional digital forensic methods of data acquisition through device seizure to gather relevant evidence pertaining to an investigation from cloud sources. Using traditional digital forensic methods will lead to the loss or overlooking of valuable evidential material hosted on cloud-based infrastructures. Cloud computing and its impact on digital forensics will continue to grow and traditional digital forensics methods are inadequate for cloud forensic investigations.
Call for Papers
High quality, previously unpublished submissions are solicited in the areas of cloud security and cloud forensics. Topics of interest comprise but are not limited to:
- Cloud Forensics and e-Discovery
- Intrusion and Attack Readiness
- Cloud Cryptography
- Data and Datacenter Security
- Digital Forensics as a Service
- Deep Learning/Machine Learning for Digital Forensics and Cybersecurity
- Big Data Forensics
- Security and Privacy for Cloud Computing
- Trust and Policy Management
- Case Studies of Cloud-based Attacks
- Cloud Evidence Recovery
- Private Cloud Security and Privacy
- Network Security and Forensics
- Mobile Cloud Security and Forensics
- Forensic Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
The 4th International Workshop on Cloud Security and Forensics will be co-located with TrustCom-18 in New York, USA on 1st-3rd August 2018. Please see the IEEE TrustCom-18 page ( for hotel, travel and further information.
Page Limit and Formatting
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Papers must be clearly presented in English, must not exceed 8 pages, including tables, figures, references and appendixes, in IEEE Computer Society proceedings Format with Portable Document Format (.pdf).
Submissions must be in Portable Document Format (.pdf). Authors should pay special attention to unusual fonts, images, and figures that might create problems for reviewers. Your document should render correctly in Adobe Reader 9 and when printed in black and white.
Each submission should be regarded as an undertaking that, should the submission be accepted, at least one of the authors MUST attend the conference to present the work in order that the accepted paper can be added to the digital library. This process is mandatory for all authors. We assume authors understand this policy before they submit the paper to this workshop.
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings. Submissions should include abstract, 5-10 keywords, and the e-mail address of the corresponding author, and be in PDF format. Each submission should be in the IEEE 8.5 x 11 inches two-column format with 10-12 point font (Template: DOC or LaTeX), including tables, figures, and references. All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process and will receive a minimum of three reviews.
Easychair Submission Link:
Paper Page Limit
- Regular Papers: 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. Authors have 6 complimentary pages. Manuscript can be up to 12 pages in length with over length charge ($150/page).
- Short Papers: 4 pages, including all figures, tables, and references. Authors have 4 complimentary pages. Manuscript can be up to 5 pages in length with over length charge ($150/page).
Important Dates
- Paper Submission Deadline:15th April 2018
- Author Notification:
15th28th May 2018 - Camera Ready Version:15th June 2018
- Author Registration:15th June 2018
- Workshop Dates:1st - 3rd August 2018
Accepted and presented papers will be included in the IEEE CPS Proceedings and made available through IEEE Xplore. The best submissions to WCSF 2018 will be considered for invitation as extended versions to special issues of selected journals. These extended papers must be extended by a minimum of 30% for journal consideration.
Organising Committee
ChairMark Scanlon, University College Dublin, IrelandTPC ChairNhien-An Le-Khac, University College Dublin, Ireland
Program Committee
Ibrahim Baggili, University of New Haven, USAGenge Bela, Petru Maior University of Tirgu Mures, Romania
Elias Bou-Harb, Florida Atlantic University, USA
Lei Chen, Georgia Southern University, USA
Raymond Choo, University of South Australia
Peter Cooper, Sam Houston State University, USA
Simson Garfinkel, US Census Bureau, USA
Pavel Gladyshev, University College Dublin, Ireland
Guofei Gu, Texas A&M University, USA
Manabu Hirano, National Institute of Technology, Toyota College, Japan
Wen-Chen Hu, University of North Dakota, USA
Joshua I. James, Soon Chun Hyang University, Korea
Umit Karabiyik, Sam Houston State University, USA
M-Tahar Kechadi, University College Dublin, Ireland
Nhien-An Le-Khac, University College Dublin, Ireland
Qinghua Li, University of Arkansas, USA
David Lillis, University College Dublin, Ireland
Qingzhong Liu, Sam Houston State University, USA
Sammer Markos, Accenture, Ireland
Tuan Nguyen, University of Information Technology, VNUHCM, Vietnam
Thoa Pham, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland
Danda Rawat, Georgia Southern University, USA
Jungwoo Ryoo, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Mark Scanlon, University College Dublin, Ireland
Narasimha Shashidhar, Sam Houston State University, USA
John Sheppard, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland
Hassan Takabi, University of North Texas, USA
Christina Thorpe, Institute of Technology Blanchardstown, Ireland
Fergus Toolan, Norwegian Police University College, Norway
Yves Vandermeer, ECTEG, Belgium
Cihan Varol, Sam Houston State University, USA
Paul Watters, Massey University, New Zealand
George Weir, University of Strathclyde, UK
Jie Wu, Temple University, USA
Shucheng Yu, University of Arkansas, USA